News and information
Some curated news specifically to help you gain confidence.
Keeping Cardboard Out of Your Cell Processing Facility
Taking Ownership In Your Job
Your First Hire as a Manager
How to Make the Most Out of Your First Scientific Conference
Maximizing Your Career Potential: Tips on Utilizing Job Postings
Navigating Your Job Throughout the Year
Managing Your 1:1 Meeting
Book Review: The Financial Feminist
Annual BPDR Code Update
Book Review: The Wealthy Barber Returns by Dave Chilton
Book Review: The One Minute Sales Person by Spenser Johnson MD and Larry Wilson
US FDA Patient Advocate Regenerative Medicine Workshop documents now available
Career Planning is Self Care
Changing Your Life in Baby Steps: Summary & Review of Atomic Habits by James Clear
Writing a Travel Justification for your first Scientific Conference
US FDA and Unproven Cellular Therapies